PlayTales Books برنامه ها

Hansel and Gretel
PlayTales Books
★★ A well-loved fairytale comes to life with PlayTales ★★PlayTales Children Book - Free version (with ads)This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTales Store.Two brave children, an evil step- mother, a house made of sweetsand chocolate, and a horrible witch. This well -known story bringstogether ingredients both sickly and sweet, with a Touch ofimagination it has been transformed into a magical PlayTales!Young Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister, after beingabandoned in the forest; they discover an amazing house made ofchocolate and candies. But… careful! Sometimes appearances can bedeceiving. If you don’t know this story yet, this version of theclassic will not disappoint!Enjoy this authentic fairytale with 17 pages full of interactiveelements and brightly colored illustrations which will bring usersan enchanting reading experience. With sound effects and originallycomposed music each page has been carefully designed for littlereaders!A delicious fairytale that you’ll want to read again andagain!Special Features• Interactive fun guaranteed!• 17 pages to enjoy• Colorful and child friendly graphics• Text Narration• Spell bound sound effects!• Original classical music and sound effects• ‘Read by myself’, ‘Read to Me’ and ‘Autoplay’ options• Adapted for children ages 6+
Beauty and the Beast (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
** Can a beautiful girl truly fall in love with a horrible beast?**Playtales is excited to add to its catalogue one of the mostpopular classics of children’s literature, “Beauty and theBeast”.The story beautifully reiterates once again that true beautylies within, beyond one’s mere physical appearance. It´s full ofcolorful illustrations that will inspire even the youngest ofchildren, thanks to the many interactive elements and soundsincorporated into every page. For children 8+. Add it to yourcollection today!This beautiful love story between a sweet, gentle young girl andterrible Beast posses a great question: Is the Beast truly soterrible? Behind his intimidating appearance hides a huge heart andgreat tenderness for his new love.But this classic tale of love doesn’t start perfectly. TheBeast, isolated from the others, imprisons a merchant who issearching for a rose for one of his daughters. The merchant becomesill and must return home, but not without his daughter sacrificingherself in his place. Thus starts the curiously endearing story oflove between Beauty and the Beast.Additional features:· Multilanguage (English and Spanish)· Interactive surprises guaranteed!!· 12 pages of colorful, child friendly graphics.· Story narration· Exciting sound effects and original music!· Option to “Read by myself” or “Read to me” and “Autoplay”· For ages 8+.
Sonidos de la selva
PlayTales Books
** ¡¡PlayTales ofrece a los más pequeños un apasionante safariauditivo por la selva!!**Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión completa gratuita (conpublicidad)Sonidos de la selva recorre toda la jungla y nos ofrece un bellopaseo auditivo por la fauna más salvaje. Ideal para que los máspequeños de la casa se familiaricen con los sonidos emitidos pordivertidos monos, elefantes, loros, leones y muchas especies más.Los niños reconocerán a sus animales favoritos y aprenderán avincular sus sonidos con este didáctico cuento.Una divertida e instructiva manera de acercar la fauna salvaje alos niños en fase de aprendizaje, gracias a sus cuidadas ysimpáticas ilustraciones y sus atractivos efectos interactivos.¡¡Pero hay muchas sorpresas más!! Y es que Sonidos de la selvaincorpora en su interior un entretenido minijuego en el que losniños tendrán que asociar cada sonido con el animalcorrespondiente. ¡Adéntrate en la selva y diviértete con esteinstructivo y delicioso paseo que te ofrece TouchyBooks!Características adicionales:¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!11 páginas de gráficos a color.Narración del texto.¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!Música original.Opción ‘Leerlo yo mismo’ o ‘Leérmelo’.Para lectores de +3 años.PlayTales** smaller offers an exciting auditory safari through the jungle!!**This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free full version (with ads)Jungle Sounds runs through the jungle and offers a beautifulwalk auditory wilder wildlife. Ideal for the smallest of the houseis familiar with the sounds of funny monkeys, elephants, parrots,lions and many more species. Children recognize their favoriteanimals and learn to link their sounds with this didactic tale.A fun and educational way to bring wildlife to children in thelearning phase, thanks to sympathetic maintained and attractiveillustrations and interactive effects.But there are many more surprises! And it incorporates JungleSounds inside a fun minigame in which children have to associateeach with the corresponding animal sound. Into the jungle and havefun with this informative and delightful walk that offersTouchyBooks!Additional Features:Interactive fun guaranteed!11 pages of color graphics.Text Narration.Sound effects!Original Music."Read by myself 'and' Read to me '.For ages 3 +.
The Tale of Tickles
PlayTales Books
** Do you giggle when you’re tickled? **Well then, this PlayTales full of giggles and tickles is perfectfor you!Children Book - free version (with ads).This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTalesStore.Just as this tale explains at the start, EVERYONE likes to betickled! And with “The Tale of Tickles,” you’ll see just howchildren young and old react to this hilarious sensation.But wait, there’s more! Have fun making a wide range ofdifferent animals giggle, from a precious puppy dog or an innocentmole to naughty monkeys and even more exotic animals, like ahippopotamus and a whale. You’ll see that even trees can’t resistthe urge to giggle when they’re tickled!This story is filled with vibrant and lively illustrations thatare full of color and fun. It also features lots of sound effectsand interactive pages, ideal for even the youngest of children!Additional features:- Interactive surprises guaranteed!!- 12 pages of colorful graphics- Narration to the story- Exciting sound effects and original music ♫!- Option to “Read by myself” or “Read to me.”- For ages 3+.
My new baby 1.0.3
PlayTales Books
Choose between three expectant mommies andhelp them through their pregnancies! So much fun!Help pregnant mommy relax, knit clothes for the newborn baby, andtake mommy to her check-ups. When the newborn baby finally arrivesyou´ll have to decorate the new nursery! Having a kid can be hardwork but it´s lots of fun too! You need to feed, change and batheher. When the newborn baby is all clean it´s time for the babyshower! Dress up pregnant mommy and kid and help them get ready forthe party. My New Baby is full of exciting features that willeducate and entertain!-Choose your favorite pregnant mommy and take care of her duringher pregnancy!-Have fun with over 20 different interactive fun activities!-Decorate the nursery just the way you like!-Dress up mommy and newborn baby- there are hundreds of outfitsto choose from!-Having a kid is a big responsibility! You need to feed, change,wash and love her!
The Little Mermaid
PlayTales Books
** Emerge yourself in the depths of the blue ocean this summer withthe Little Mermaid! **Enjoy this marvelous summer story that breaks the boundariesbetween the land and the sea.Would you like to read about wonderful waters and magicalseas?Discover how a Little Mermaid tries to conquer the love of aCaptain with the help of a terrible sea witch.TouchyBooks presents a new version of this classic tale, TheLittle Mermaid, more modern and exiting than ever, with interactivepages that will surprise you until the very end.The Little Mermaid, the King, the Captain and the Sea Witch findthemselves up against the ocean and the land to get what they’vealways wanted.Enjoy 18 pages of vibrant colorful images drawn in an originalstyle. Each page is splashed with a multitude of interactiveelements and fun sound effects.A perfect story for children age 6 and up.ADDITIONAL FEATURES:• Interactive fun guaranteed!• 18 pages full of colorful illustrations and text• Text narration• Fun and exciting sound effects• Original background music• ‘Read by myself’, ‘Read to Me’ and ‘Autoplay’ options.• Page selection.• Star rating system.• For kids ages 6 +.
CInderella (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
★★ Would you like to enjoy one of the mostbeautiful stories ever told? ★★With this Cinderella Playtales you can enjoy a classic tale fullof charm, magic and dreams that come true ... because this is theonly story where you'll see little mice turning into lustroushorses, how a small pumpkin transforms into an impressive carriageor how a tiny cat is able to becomes an elegant coachman.Cinderella is a young woman who is punished by her evilstepmother. She does all of the hardest chores around the housewhile her horrible step sisters make fun of her. But one day herlife changes forever when a special fairy godmother and a handsomeprince arrive. An essential fairytale for your collection whichchildren will want to read again and again!With this story readers aged six and up will experiencefirsthand this amazing story thanks to the multitude of visualeffects and interactive elements incorporated into more than twentypages. This Playtales includes simple bright and colorfulillustrations, especially adapted for children which come to lifewhen touched by readers little fingers.ADDITION FEATURES• Multilanguage (English and Spanish)• Adapted for children aged 6 and older.• 20 pages full of fun.• Graphics adapted for children.• Text narration.• Great sound effects!• Original soundtrack• Options "read to me", "read it myself" and "autoplay".• Interactive fun guaranteed
Un día en la playa
PlayTales Books
“Un día en la playa” es justo lo que todosnecesitamos. Especialmente los más pequeños, cuando afuera hacefrío y al día siguiente hay que levantarse temprano.Este libro y muchas más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión gratuita (con publicidad).Diviértete con ésta familia y disfruta de un bonito día de solen la playa. Lee esta historia e interactúa con la pantallamientras los personajes juegan dentro del agua, hacen surf, bucean,hacen kite-surf, se relajan al sol, juegan al padel, construyencastillos de arena…y mucho más.Esta historia interactiva resultará super divertida eimaginativa para los niños durante estas fechas tan frías delinvierno. NO olvides ponerte protección solar!Características:- Texto narrado.- Gráficos llenos de color y adaptados a los niños.- Montones de zonas interactivas en cada página.- Diversión interactiva garantizada!- Muchas animaciones y sonidos divertidos en cada página.- Opción de “pasar página” en la esquina inferior de lapantalla.- Toca la pantalla para descubrir como jugar con el cuento."A Day at the Beach" isjust what we all need. Especially the little ones when it's coldoutside and the next day get up early.This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free version (with ads).Have fun with this family and enjoy a nice sunny day at thebeach. Read this story and interact with the screen while thecharacters play in the water, surf, dive, make kite-surfing,relaxing in the sun, play paddle, build sand castles ... andmore.This interactive story will be super fun and imaginative forchildren during this time as cold winter. DO NOT forget to wearsunscreen!Features:- Text Narration.- Colorful graphics and adapted to children.- Lots of interactive zones on each page.- Interactive fun guaranteed!- Many funny animations and sounds on every page.- Option to "turn the page" on the bottom of the screen.- Touch the screen to find out how to play with the story.
Yo quiero ser... Pirata
PlayTales Books
Descubre la historia interactiva de lasaventuras y desventuras de los sueños de un niño, que quiere ser unpirata para surcar los mares, encontrar tesoros y ver sirenas. Conun pulpo como capitán y un loro que ama las galletas dechocolate.Disfruta de este creativo cuento interactivo con imágenesdivertidas e increíbles aventuras!CARACTERÍSTICAS:- Cuento creado para incentivar la lectura de los más peques.- Historia y banda sonora original.- 16 páginas de diversión y entretenimiento interactivo.- 3 de animaciones con sonido por página.- Repita la narración tantas veces como quieras.Keywords:Tienda , libreria , cuento , escuela , libro , niños , tocar ,aprender , infantil , enseñar , pirata , aventura , tesoro ,touchybooks , touchy , books, playtalesDiscover the interactivestory of the adventures and misadventures of the dreams of a boywho wants to be a pirate to sail the seas, find treasure and seemermaids. With an octopus captain and a parrot who loves chocolatecookies.Enjoy this creative story with interactive images! Feed!FEATURES:- Story created to encourage reading of the little ones.- History and original soundtrack.- 16 pages of interactive fun and entertainment.- 3 animations with sound per page.- Repeat the narration as many times as you want.Keywords:Store library, story, school, book, children, play, learn, child,teach, pirate, adventure, treasure, touchybooks, touchy, books,PlayTales
Puss in Boots
PlayTales Books
Soon a funny and clever cat will change thelife forever of a very lucky boy.When this cat is given a new home he requests just a couple ofsimple things, one of which is a pair of leather boots. Of course,these boots give Puss a brave, new and adventurous image. Hesuddenly is filled with clever new ideas and conviction that endsup changing the life of his master, a poor young boy.Puss in Boots is a classic tale that was originally written byCharles Perrault nearly 300 years ago, and now is brought to youwith a new interactive touch, easy to read texts on each page aswell as interactive elements that make reading more intuitive andfun.This book is full of fun, surprises, and adventure that you willwant to read and discover again and again.FEATURES:-Written and designed for children ages 4-6- Include the options "read to me" and "read by myself".-Text Narration-Original Music Score-Colorful and child friendly graphics-Tons of playful interactive zones on each page-Interactive fun guaranteed!-Page turning usability-Gameplay fun by touching the screen and bringing characters tolife!!
The Bible - MULTI (EN-ES)
PlayTales Books
PlayTales has compiled and adapted some of themost significant passages of the Bible with the little ones inmind.With its delightful illustrations, simple language and funanimations, your little ones will be able to learn aboutChristianity in an easy and pleasant way.They will learn about the life of the prophets, Noah's ark, themiracles of Jesus…and much more!
Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos
PlayTales Books
★★ ¡Espejito, espejito! ¿Quién es la máshermosa del reino? ★★Uno de los cuentos favoritos de todos los tiempos ya estádisponible en la librería de PlayTales.Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión gratuita (con publicidad).Disfruta de esta bella versión de Blancanieves, imprescindibleen la biblioteca de todos los niños.La reina, madrastra de Blancanieves, pregunta constantemente asu espejito mágico quién es la mujer más bella del reino. El espejosiempre responde lo que la reina quiere oír hasta que, un día, elespejito le dice que Blancanieves es en realidad la mujer másbella, con su piel blanca como la nieve y el pelo negro comoazabache.La reina, furiosa, ordena a un cazador que se ocupe deBlancanieves. ¡Y así comienza este mágico cuento de hadas!Blancanieves se verá perdida en mitad de un bosque y allí comienzasu aventura.Blancanieves es el cuento perfecto para lectores de 6 años enadelante, lleno de sorpresas interactivas que aportan el toque demagia final a este cuento clásico.¡Ten cuidado! ¡Este touchybook incluye un espejito mágico, unamanzana envenenada y un beso de amor verdadero!• Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas.•15 páginas llenas de ilustraciones a todo color.• Texto narrado con voz.•Efectos de sonido envolventes.* Banda sonora original.• Opciones de “leerlo yo mismo” y “léemelo”• Para lectores de Touchybooks de 6 años en adelante.★★ Mirror, mirror! Who isthe most beautiful of the kingdom? ★★One of the favorite stories of all time is now available in thelibrary of PlayTales.This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free version (with ads).Enjoy this beautiful version of Snow White, essential in thelibrary of every child.The Queen, Snow White's stepmother repeatedly asks her mirrorwho is the fairest of women. The mirror always answered what thequeen wants to hear until one day the mirror tells her that SnowWhite is indeed the most beautiful woman, with her skin as white assnow and hair black as ebony.The queen, furious, orders a hunter to deal with Snow White. Andso begins this magical fairy tale! Snow White finds herself in themiddle of a forest and her adventure begins.Snow White is perfect for readers ages 6 and up, full ofinteractive surprises that bring touch of magic to this classictale.Be careful! This Touchybook includes a magic mirror, a poisonedapple and true love's kiss!• Guaranteed interactive surprises.• 15 pages of color illustrations.• Text Narration.• Effects of surround sound.* Original soundtrack.• 'Read by myself "and" read to me "• For readers Touchybooks 6 and older.
Cuento de las Cosquillas 2.0.0
PlayTales Books
**¿Alguien quiere una sesión decosquillas?**Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - ahora la versión completa y gratuita(con publicidad)¡Pues con PlayTales te la ofrecemos!Porque, como se anuncia al inicio de este divertido cuento, ¡atodo el mundo le gustan las cosquillas! Con esta entretenidahistoria tienes la oportunidad de pasar un rato divertidísimoviendo cómo reaccionan algunos niños y bebés ante este agradableestímulo.¡Pero hay mucho más! Porque también puedes acariciar adiferentes animales, desde un cariñoso perrito o un simpático topohasta traviesos monos, pasando por animales más exóticos comohipopótamos o ballenas. ¡Incluso te demostramos que los árbolesreaccionan ante las cosquillas!Divertidísimo cuento repleto de ilustraciones sencillas,agradables, vivas y llenas de color. Incluyen múltiples efectossonoros y elementos interactivos. ¡Ideal para los más pequeños dela casa!Características adicionales¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!12 páginas de gráficos a color.Narración del texto.¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!Música original.Opción ‘Leerlo yo mismo’ o ‘Leérmelo’.Para lectores de +3 años.** Does anyone want atickle session? **This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - now free full version (with ads)Well with the offer PlayTales you!Because, as announced earlier this funny story, everybody likestickles! With this entertaining story you get to spend timewatching hilarious some children and babies react to this pleasantstimulus.But there is more! Have fun making different animals, from aloving puppy or a cute mole to mischievous monkeys and even moreexotic animals such as hippos and whales. 'll See that even thetrees react to the tickling!Story is filled with illustrations simple, cozy, lively and fullof color. Include multiple sound effects and interactive elements.Ideal for children of the house!Additional FeaturesInteractive fun guaranteed!12 pages of color graphics.Text Narration.Sound effects!Original Music."Read by myself 'and' Read to me '.For ages 3 +.
Emma and the Monster
PlayTales Books
Do you want to make friends with Emma and themonster?PlayTales Children Book - free version (with ads).This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTalesStore.Emma is a sad girl who doesn´t want to go to school because abad boy from her class frightens her. One day, she meets a goodmonster and they become friends right away.Discover how the monster helps Emma go back to school withoutfeeling afraid anymore!Emma and the Monster is an interactive story full of surprisesto be uncovered. 12 full-color pages with fun sound effects and amultitude of entertaining interactive elements for the smallestchildren at home. For 6 years and up.ADDITIONAL FEATURES:•Guaranteed interactive surprises!!•12 pages of color graphics•Narration of the text•Enchanting sound effects!•Original music.•Option of ´Read myself´, ´Read it to me´ or ‘Autoplay’.•For readers over 6 years old.
Snow White and the seven Dwarf
PlayTales Books
"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is thefairest of them all?"One of the most well- loved fairytales has arrived in theTouchyBook Store.Enjoy this beautiful retelling of Snow White, a must- have forevery child’s bookshelf.This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Children Book - free version (with ads).The Queen, Snow White's evil stepmother repeatedly asks hermirror who is the fairest of the all. The mirror always gave theQueen the answer she wanted, until one day the mirror tells herthat Snow White is indeed the fairest, with her skin as white assnow, lips as red as blood and her hair black as ebony.The queen is enraged, and orders her huntsmen to kill SnowWhite. And so the enchanting fairytale begins! Snow White findsherself in the middle of the forest and her adventure unravels.Snow White is the perfect fairytale for readers aged 6 and up,full of interactive surprises that bring a touch of magic to thisclassic tale.Be warned! This Touchybook includes a magic mirror, a poisonedapple and true love’s kiss!• Interactive surprises guaranteed!• 15 pages of colorful graphics• Text Narration• Enchanting sound effects• Original classical music• ‘Read by myself’, ‘Read to Me’ and ‘Autoplay’ options• For TouchyBook readers aged 6+
Los Siete Cabritillos
PlayTales Books
**Siete cabritillos esperan en casa a que mamacabra vuelva de la compra, pero deben tener cuidado, el loboacecha.**Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión completa y gratuita (conpublicidad)PlayTales presenta uno de los cuentos más clásicos de la culturapopular europea. La desconfiada madre que deja a sus niños en casa,los confiados niños y el malvado lobo que quiere comérselos atodos. La astucia del lobo se enfrenta a la preocupación de loscabritillos en una historia llena de sorpresas que mantiene en viloal niño hasta el final.Unos colores dulces y un ambiente rústico contornean la estéticade un relato triste con final feliz. Las facciones de loscabritillos expresan la preocupación de un niño que se ha quedadosólo en casa y que sabe que no puede abrirle la puerta a nadie.Además, este cuento tiene efectos interectivos en sus páginas. Apartir de 6 años en adelante.Características adicionales¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!15 páginas de gráficos a color.Narración del texto.¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!Música original.Opción ‘Leerlo yo mismo’ o ‘Leémelo’.Para lectores de +6 años.** Seven little kids waitat home to mama goat buying again, but they must be careful, thewolf lurks. **This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free full version (with ads)PlayTales has one of the most classic stories of Europeanpopular culture. The suspicious mother who leaves her children athome, unsuspecting children and the evil wolf who wants to eat themall. The cunning wolf faces the concern of little kids in a storyfull of surprises that your child keeps you guessing until theend.A sweet colors and a rustic aesthetic outline of a sad storywith a happy ending. Billy-goat's features express concern that achild has been left alone at home and you know you can not open thedoor to anyone. Also, this story has interectivos effects on theirpages. From ages 6 and up.Additional FeaturesInteractive fun guaranteed!15 pages of color graphics.Text Narration.Sound effects!Original Music."Read by myself 'and' Read to Me '.Readers +6 years.
Hansel y Gretel
PlayTales Books
** Otro cuento clásico que cobra vida conPlayTales **Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión gratuita (con publicidad).Unos encantadores niños, una malvada madrastra, una casa hechade dulces, una bruja… ¡Este conocido cuento reúne todos loselementos necesarios para ser considerado todo un clásico!Hansel y Gretel son dos hermanos que, tras ser abandonados en elbosque, descubren una alucinante casa hecha de todo tipo de dulcesy golosinas. Pero… ¡Cuidado! Las apariencias engañan. Si aún noconoces ésta historia, ésta original versión te sorprenderá.Atrévete a meterte de lleno en este cuento, a lo largo de sus 17páginas llenas de elementos interactivos y animaciones. La música ylos efectos de sonido son originales, y cada pantalla estáilustrada pensando en los pequeños lectores.¡Un cuento delicioso que querrás saborear una y otra vez!¡CARACTERÍSTICAS ESPECIALES!• Diversión interactiva garantizada.• Ilustraciones a todo color.• Texto narrado con voz.♫ Música y efectos de sonido originales.• Opciones de ”Léemelo”, “Leer yo mismo” y “Autoplay”.• Adaptado a niños de 6 años en adelante.** Another fairytalecomes to life with PlayTales **This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free version (with ads).Some lovely children, a wicked stepmother, a house made ofcandy, a witch ... This popular story has all the elementsnecessary to be considered a classic!Hansel and Gretel are two brothers who, after being abandoned inthe forest, they discover an amazing house made of all kinds ofsweets and treats. But ... Beware! Appearances are deceptive. Ifyou do not know this story yet, this version will surprise you. Dare to jump right into this story, along with 17 pagesfilled with interactive elements and animations. The music andsound effects are original, and each screen is carefully designedfor young readers.A delicious tale you'll want to savor again and again!FEATURES!• Interactive fun guaranteed.• Full color illustrations.• Text Narration.♫ Music and original sound effects.• 'Read by myself', 'Read to Me "and" Autoplay ".• Adapted for children ages 6 and up.
Gato con Botas
PlayTales Books
La vida de un afortunado jovencito se verácambiada muy pronto gracias a la ayuda de un listísimo gato.Cuando este gato es entregado a su nuevo dueño, solo pide un par decositas…una de ellas es un par de botas, que le darán al gato unaspecto mucho más regio y aventurero que, junto a las brillantesideas de este gatito y a su atrevimiento, hará cambiar la vida desu dueño.El Gato con Botas es un cuento clásico, originalmente escritohace 300 años por Charles Perrault. Ahora nosotros te lo traemos enformato interactivo, fácil de leer y lleno de elementos animadosque hacen la lectura más amena e intuitiva.Es un libro divertido y lleno e aventuras, que tus niños no secansarán de leer.CARACTERÍSTICAS:-Escrito y diseñado para niños entre 4 y6 años.- Puedes elegir entre “léemelo” o “lo leo yo mismo”.-Texto narrado.-Composición musical original.-Ilustraciones llenas de color y adaptadas a los niños.-Montones de elementos interactivos en cada página.-¡Diversión interactiva garantizada!-“pasar página” fácil de usar.-Juego y diversión tocando la pantalla, dando vida a lospersonajes.The life of a lucky boywill be changed very soon with the help of a cat listísimo. When this cat is delivered to its new owner, just ask a couple ofthings ... one of them is a pair of boots that will give the cat amuch more regal and adventurer who, along with the brilliant ideasof this kitty and his daring, will change the life of its owner.Puss in Boots is a classic tale, originally written 300 yearsago by Charles Perrault. Now we bring you the interactive format,easy to read and full of animated elements that make reading moreenjoyable and intuitive.It is a fun-filled book and adventures, your children will notget tired of reading.FEATURES:-Written and designed for children between 4 y6 years.- You can choose between "read to me" or "read it myself".-Text Narration.-Original music composition.-Full-color illustrations and child-friendly.-Lots of interactive features on each page.- Interactive fun guaranteed!- "Turn the page" easy to use.-Fun and touching the screen, giving life to the characters.
Aladdin & Wonderful Lamp
PlayTales Books
★★ Choose your own magical adventure! ★★Choose your own adventure with Aladdin and the magic lamp! Youdecide the destination of young Aladdin!When Aladdin´s path crosses with a mysterious character whoclaims to be his uncle, suddenly his life changes forever when hediscovers a wondrous lamp that grants his deepest wishes anddesires.You have the choice if you want Aladdin to continue, stay put orescapes. Chose between the dazzling door with the moon or the doorwith the sparkling sun. Which way will you go? Which treasurefilled cave, or magic carpet will you chose for Aladdin? Whicheverone you chose you are guaranteed an amazing adventure! This storywill keep children intrigued and entertained time and time again,as they can chose different and exciting paths for Aladdin.This story forms part of the traditional saga The Book of OneThousand and One Nights, a collection of medieval Arabian taleswhich will transport young readers to faraway lands where the mostextravagant dreams come true.ADDED FEATURES!• Interactive fun guaranteed!• 29 pages to enjoy• Colorful and child friendly graphics• Text Narration• You decide the ending!• Original Arabic themed music and sound effects ♫• ‘Read by myself’ and ‘Read to Me’ options• Adapted for children ages 6+
Noah's Ark MULTI
PlayTales Books
** Help Noah and his son put the animals intotheir ark! **Noah´s Ark is the perfect story for the smallest kids at home. Noahand his son must find the animals, capture them and put them intothe ark. It´s important for them to take along two of each species,so that the animals don´t feel lonely.Noah´s son has to spot the goats in the mountains, the crocodilesin the river and the serpents underground!Noah´s Ark is riddled with surprises to be uncovered. Fifteen pagesin full color with fun sound effects and a multitude of interactiveelements that are very enjoyable for small children. Of course, theAutoplay option is available. From 3 years and up.Additional features:Interactive surprises guaranteed!!15 pages of color graphicsNarration of the textEnchanting sound effects!Original music compositions.´Read myself´ and ´Read to me´ options.For readers over 3 years old.
Emma y el monstruo
PlayTales Books
** ¿Quieres hacerte amigo de Emma y elmonstruo? **Emma es una niña triste que no quiere ir al colegio porque uncompañero malo la asusta. Un día, conoce a un monstruo bueno yenseguida se hacen amigos.Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión gratuita (con publicidad)¡Descubre como el monstruo consigue que Emma vuelva al cole sinmiedos!Emma y el monstruo es un cuento interactivo lleno de sorpresas pordescubrir. 12 páginas a todo color con divertidos efectos sonoros ymultitud de elementos interactivos muy amenos para los más pequeñosde la casa. A partir de 6 años en adelante.Características adicionales:¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!12 páginas de gráficos a color.Narración del texto.¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!Música original.Opción ‘Leerlo yo mismo’, ‘Leérmelo’ y’Autoplay’.Para lectores de +6 años.** Want to make friendswith Emma and the monster? **Emma is a sad girl who does not want to go to school because a badcompanion scares her. One day she meets a good monster and soonbecome friends.This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free version (with ads)Discover the monster get Emma back to school without fear!Emma and the Monster is an interactive story full of surprises todiscover. 12 pages in full color with fun sound effects and amultitude of interactive elements very entertaining for children ofthe house. From ages 6 and up.Additional Features:Interactive fun guaranteed!12 pages of color graphics.Text Narration.Sound effects!Original Music.Option 'Read by myself', 'Read to me' y'Autoplay '.Readers +6 years.
Goldilocks (MULTI) 2.0.0
PlayTales Books
“This bed is too big!”, “This bed is toowide!”, “This small bed is just right!” – and Goldilocks went tosleep…The classics always come back, and now it’s time to enjoyGoldilocks and her popular adventure in the house of the BearFamily. This hilarious story will teach children to understandconcepts, such as big-medium-small, cold-hot, etc, with 12fun-filled interactive pages with bright colors and drawingsdesigned for even the smallest child.ADDED FEATURES-Multilanguage (English and Spanish)-Guaranteed interactive fun-Enjoyable and funny phrases-Colors and drawings aimed at children-Original music-Fun sound effects-12 pages full of color with amazing transitions-For children ages 1 and up
La aprendiz de bruja 2.0.0
PlayTales Books
**¿Todavía no tienes el carnet de brujita? Aqué esperas para sacártelo**Este libro y muchos más, en otros idiomas, en PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Libros para niños - versión completa y gratuita (conpublicidad)Descubre en ‘La aprendiz de bruja’ como usar una varita mágica ycomo volar en una escoba de espartoSi crees que las brujas siempre han sido viejas malvadas quevuelan en escobas, debes leer este cuento. En ‘La aprendiz deBruja’ os enseñamos como una niña se decide a hacer realidad susueño: ¡CONVERTIRSE EN BRUJA! Una casa encantada donde poderrealizar los hechizos y los conjuros, una varita mágica capaz dehacerte vestirte sola, un caldero con pócimas increíbles… y muchomás.La aprendiz de bruja es un cuento con una estética muy atractivapara los niños. Sus páginas están plagadas de misteriosinteractivos por descubrir. Es un cuento ideal para los máspequeños, ya que desarrolla su imaginación con efectos sonoros,ingeniosas ilustraciones y textos con rima. A partir de 3 años enadelante.Características adicionales¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!15 páginas de gráficos a color.Narración del texto.¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!Música original.Opción ‘Leerlo yo mismo’ o ‘Leérmelo’.Para lectores de +3 años.** Do not have thelicense witch? What are you waiting for? **This book and many more, in other languages, in PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Books for children - free full version (with ads)In "The Witch's Apprentice how to use a magic wand and fly on astraw broomIf you believe all witches are evil, old ladies flying onbrooms, should read this story. In 'The Witch Apprentice' teach youas a little girl decides to realize his dream: become a WITCH! Ahaunted house where she can cast spells, a magic wand that candress alone, a cauldron full of incredible potions ... andmore.The Witch's Apprentice is a story with a look very attractive tochildren. Its pages are filled with interactive mysteries todiscover. This story is ideal for children because it developstheir imagination with sound effects, witty illustrations andrhyming text. From 3 years onwards.Additional FeaturesInteractive fun guaranteed!15 pages of color graphics.Text Narration.Sound effects!Original Music."Read by myself 'and' Read to me '.For ages 3 +.
The Wolf and The Seven Little
PlayTales Books
** Seven little kids wait at home for theirmother goat to return, but they should be careful, for the wolfalso patiently waits. **This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTalesStore.PlayTales Children Book - free version (with ads).PlayTales proudly presents one of the most classic stories ofpopular European culture, with a wary mother who leaves herchildren at home, the naïve kids, and an evil wolf that yearns toeat them. The wolf’s cleverness continues to preoccupy the littlekids in a story full of surprises that keeps children reading tothe last page!Soft colors and a rustic background set up this story with a sadexposition but a happy ending. The expressions on the faces of thelittle kids show the genuine concern of a child that has been leftalone in a house and who already knows to not open the door foranyone. This tale also features interactive effects throughout itspages. For children aged 6 and up.Additional features:•Interactive surprises guaranteed!!•15 pages of colorful graphics.•Narration to the story.•Exciting sound effects!•Original music.•“Read by myself” or “Read to me” options•For ages 6+.
Sweet Dreams Lullabies (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
*Imagine just how magical it would be if youcould read a bedtime story in harmony with a lullaby? *Let this beautiful Playtales inspire the sweetest dreams for yourlittle ones.With “Sweet Dreams Lullabies” you can share those specialmoments with this peaceful story, complete with a melodic music andfull of touchable elements for the smallest of fingers todiscover.This rhyming story has been especially written for the childrenaged 3 and up and teaches about the mystical power of the moon.Little learners will discover through the pages how the moonwatches over us while we sleep, and how it protects us, cares forus wherever we may be.Children will fall in love with this night-time treasure. Thanksto its simple yet colorful illustrations, delightful effects, andcalming poetic narration, it’s perfect for children to engage withmusic and a wealth of interactive surprises. This Playtalesexperience will soothe and relax the whole family.Additional features:• Multilanguage (English and Spanish)• Interactive surprises guaranteed!• 12 pages of colorful graphics.• Soothing narration• Rhyming text• Original soundtrack• ‘Read by myself’, ‘Read to Me’  and ‘Autoplay’options
• Page selection.• Star rating system.• For ages 3+.
Sleeping Beauty (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
Sleeping Beauty is undoubtedly one of the mostloved fairy tales of all time. This heart-warming story is filledwith enchantment, magical fairies, a handsome prince and aspellbound princess. The beautiful artistic illustrations combinedwith classical music will bring children a captivating readingexperience.When the princess is born, the entire kingdom is delighted; exceptfor the wicked fairy who places a curse on the young beauty thatonly true love’s kiss can break. Three good fairies try to protecther but the princess's destiny plays out as she pricks her fingeron the spindle of a spinning wheel, falling into a deepsleep.Sleeping Beauty is packed with interactive elements and animationsand is a story that children will treasure. This Playtales breathesnew life into this universally loved classic which children willenjoy time and time again, and learn that love can conquer all.ADDED FEATURES!• Multilanguage (English and Spanish)• Interactive fun guaranteed!• 14 pages to enjoy• Colorful and child friendly graphics• Text Narration•Spell bound sound effects!♫ Original classical music and sound effects• ‘Read by myself’ and ‘Read to Me’ options• Adapted for children ages 6+
Moon Secrets (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
** The Moon is a fascinating star that we seeevery night, but that brims with secrets that go far beyond itshidden face**Moon Secrets is a lovely story that reveals the kindest face ofour neighbor, the one that makes our parents kiss and the puppiesbark.“The Moon is a big eye that watches over me at night to keep mesafe.” This is how Moon Secrets starts, with a hopeful, childlikeperspective that continues up until the very end. A beautifuloriginal melody accompanies the narration, immersing the reader ina fantasy world.The story consists of 14 pages full of interactive activitiesperfect for developing children´s imagination and creativecapacities. The reader can interact with different elements of thestory as it goes on. From 3 years up.Additional CharacteristicsGuaranteed interactive surprises!!14 pages of color graphics.Narration of the text.Charming sound effects!Original music compositions.Option of ´Read myself´, ´Read it to me´ and 'autoplay'.For readers over 3 years old.
A Day at the Beach
PlayTales Books
A Day at the Beach is just what we all need.Especially the little ones when it’s cold outside and there is anyearly morning rise the following day.PlayTales Children Book - free version (with ads).This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTales StoreHave fun with this family spend a beautiful sunny day at thebeach. Read the story and touch the screen while they are playingin the water, surfing, snorkeling, flying kites, relaxing in thesun, playing paddle, building sand castles and so much more.This interactive story will be so much fun and an imaginaryholiday for children in these winter months. Don’t forget to wearsunscreen.Features:- Text Narration- Colorful and child friendly graphics- Tons of playful interactive zones on each page- Interactive fun guaranteed!- A lot of funny animations and sounds on every page- Page turning. During the story touch the lateral corners of thescreen and move to the previous or next page.- Gameplay. Touch the screen on each page and discover interactiveelements.
Aladín y la Lámpara Maravillos
PlayTales Books
Elige tu propia aventura con Aladino y laLámpara Mágica. Tú decides el destino de este joven cuyo camino secruza con un misterioso personaje que afirma ser su tío y, derepente, su vida cambia para siempre al descubrir una lámparamágica que le concede deseos.Decide si deseas continuar, quedarte, o escapar. Elige entre lapuerta con la luna o la puerta con el sol. No importa lo quedecidas: ¡Vivirás una aventura de todos modos!Este cuento mantendrá a los niños intrigados y entretenidos una yotra vez.Esta historia forma parte de la tradicional saga de las Mil y UnaNoches – una colección de cuentos del Medio Oriente - ytransportará a los jóvenes lectores a unas tierras lejanas dondelos sueños se hacen realidad.¡CARACTERÍSTICAS!• Música y divertidos efectos de sonido que acompañan lalectura.• Opciones de “léemelo” y “leerlo yo mismo”, para diferentesniveles de lectura.• Ilustraciones interactivas y llenas de color.• ELIGE TU PROPIA AVENTURA.• Más de 30 páginas llenas de texto e imágenes.• Tocando la pantalla, los niños podrán jugar e interactuar con lospersonajes y objetos.• Adaptado a niños de 8 años en adelante.Keywords:Tienda, libreria, cuento, escuela, libro, niños, tocar, aprender,infantil, enseñar, Aladino, aventura, magia, touchybooks, touchy,books.Choose your own adventurewith Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. You decide the fate of this youngman whose path crosses with a mysterious character who claims to behis uncle and suddenly, her life changes forever to find a magiclamp that grants wishes.Decide if you want to continue, stay, or escape. Choose from thedoor or door moon with the sun. No matter what you decide: willlive an adventure anyway!This story will keep children intrigued and entertained again andagain.This story is part of the traditional saga of the Thousand and OneNights - a collection of stories from the Middle East - and willtransport young readers to a distant land where dreams cometrue.FEATURES!• Music and fun sound effects that accompany the reading.• Options "read to me" and "read it myself", for different readinglevels.• interactive and colorful artwork.• Choose Your Own Adventure.• More than 30 pages of text and images.• Touching the screen, children can play and interact withcharacters and objects.• Adapted for children ages 8 and up.Keywords:Shop, library, story, school, book, children, play, learn, child,teach, Aladdin, adventure, magic, touchybooks, touchy, books.
La Sirenita
PlayTales Books
**¡Sumérgete en las profundidades de losocéanos con la Sirenita!**Disfruta de una maravillosa historia de amor que traspasa lasfronteras entre el mar y la tierra.¿Quieres vivir una historia de amor imposible? Descubre cómo laSirenita trata de enamorar al Capitán con la ayuda de la malvadaHechicera de los abismos.TouchyBooks presenta una nueva versión del clásico La Sirenita,más actual que nunca, con páginas interactivas y un sorprendentefinal. La Sirenita, el Rey, el Capitán y la Hechicera se enfrentanentre el mar y la tierra. 18 páginas con dibujos y colores muyvivos y originales, salpicadas con multitud de elementosinteractivos y efectos sonoros. A partir de 6 en adelante.Características adicionales• ¡¡Sorpresas interactivas garantizadas!!• 18 páginas de gráficos a color.• Narración del texto.•¡Encantadores efectos sonoros!• Música original.• Opciones de “léemelo” y “leerlo yo mismo” y "Lecturaautomática".• Selección de páginas.
• Valoración del cuento con estrellas.• Para lectores de +6 años.** Dive into the depthsof the oceans with the Little Mermaid! **Enjoy a wonderful love story that transcends the boundariesbetween sea and land.Want to live a love story impossible? Discover how love is theLittle Mermaid Captain with the help of the evil Sorceress of theabyss.TouchyBooks presents a new version of the classic The LittleMermaid, more relevant than ever, with interactive pages and asurprise ending. The Little Mermaid, the King, the Captain and theSorceress face between sea and land. 18 pages with drawings andvivid and original colors, dotted with many interactive elementsand sound effects. From 6 onwards.Additional Features• Interactive surprises guaranteed !!• 18 pages of colorful graphics.• Text Narration.• Exciting sound effects!• Original Music.• Options "read to me" and "read it myself" and "Automaticreading".• Selecting pages.• Assessment of the story with stars.• For readers +6 years.
I want to be a Pirate
PlayTales Books
I want to be a Pirate is an adventurous,sea-bound, mermaid and gold-loving interactive story book forchildren.Enjoy this quirky rhyming story of a young boy who would likenothing more than to be a pirate with an octopus captain and aparrot who loves chocolate cookies.You will love this creative story with interactive images! Feedthe parrot cookies, say hello to the mermaids, the possibilitiesare many!FEATURES:- Perfect anytime story for kids.- Original Story.- Original Music Score.- 16 pages of interactive fun and entertainment.- Average of 3 animations with sound per page.- Repeat page narration as many times as you like.TAGS:library , story , books , kids , learn , cheap , to , toddlers ,kindergarden , interactive , mermaid , sailor , Caribbean ,touchybooks , touchy, playtales
Monster House (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
Everyone is prepared the haunted house fortheir favorite event of the year, the Halloween Party!But, who said it was going to be scary? With friendly monsters,cute vampires and many more surprises, Halloween Party is theperfect book for your little one to learn to enjoy this specialday. Try out this terrifyingly fun story…if you dare!!
Rocking Colour Toys (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
**Help your children learn the colours…Justpaying!**Rocking Colour Toys is a very simple an intuitive book fortoddlers.Children love toys, don’t they? We have used this time differenttypes of the classic rocking toys, to catch the attention of theyoungest ones and make them easy to learn the colours. Using toysis the best way to learn!In a very easy and entertaining way, children will be able toSEE, EAR and TOUCH each color, matched with its written name, and atoy of that same color.In addition to this, Rocking Colour Toys is one of the bilingualbooks of our PlayTales catalogue, so your children will get twicethe benefit of learning new contents in both languages, English andSpanish!You will be able to swap from one language to the other, simplytapping the flag of the language selected.Additional FEATURESMultilanguage (English and Spanish)Guaranteed interactive fun!!Enchanting sound effects!Original music compositions.Different reading options: ´Read myself’, ´Read it to me´ and‘Autoplay’.For readers age 1 and up.
The Witch’s Apprentice
PlayTales Books
PlayTales Children Book - free version (withads).** Have you ever dreamed of becoming a witch? Well, what are youwaiting for? **This books and many more, in other languages, at PlayTales Store.In “The Witch’s Apprentice,” learn the essentials, like how touse a magical wand and fly on a straw broom!If you think that all witches are evil, old ladies flying onbroomsticks, then you should read this story. In “The Witch’sApprentice,” see how a little girl decides to make her dream areality and finally become a WITCH! A haunted house where she cancast spells, a magic wand that can dress her at the flick of awrist, and a cauldron full of incredible potions… and so muchmore.The Witch’s Apprentice is a story that all kids will love toread. Its pages are filled with interactive mysteries just waitingto be discovered. This story is ideal for even the youngest ofchildren, as it promotes and enhances imagination through soundeffects, witty illustrations, and rhyming text. Perfect forchildren aged 3 years and up .Additional features:Interactive surprises guaranteed!15 pages of colorful graphicsText NarrationExciting sound effects!Original music“Read by myself” or “Read to me” optionsFor ages 3+
Rocking Transport Toys (MULTI)
PlayTales Books
**Help your children learn the differentvehicles…By playing!**Rocking Transport Toys is a very simple and intuitive book fortoddlers.Children love toys, don’t they? This time, we have useddifferent types of the classic rocking toys, to catch the attentionof young ones to make it easy for them to learn different modes oftransportation. Using toys is the best way to learn!In addition to this, Rocking Transport Toys is one of the bilingualbooks of our PlayTales catalogue, so your children will get twicethe benefit of learning new contents in both languages, English andSpanish!You will be able to swap from one language to the other, simplytapping the flag of the language selected.ADDITIONAL FEATURES• Multilanguages (English and Spanish)• Guaranteed interactive fun!!• Enchanting sound effects!• Original music compositions.• Different reading options: ´Read myself’, ´Read it to me´.• For readers age 1 and up.
My RockStar Girls - Band Party 1.0.9
PlayTales Books
Join Tiffany and the rockers girls! Become a rock star! Play MyRockStar Girls!
My New Baby 3 - Shopping Spree 1.1.1
PlayTales Books
Go on a Shopping Spree with mom and her baby and be a mommy for aday!
My New Baby! 22
PlayTales Books
Choose between three expectant mommies and help them through theirpregnancies!
My Knit Boutique - Store Girls 17
PlayTales Books
Get your own fashion boutique! Become a super knitting-girl!